Friday 8 June 2012


I have some pretty awesome ideas...once in a while!

Sound Wave Killing Machine...I'm sure they already have a machine that does this: detects sound waves in the air and zaps them, diminishing them instantly. They must! But if not...Copyright!

Chicken Bully...In chicken coops the "pecking order" is a really big problem. There are always chickens that pick on the weaker ones; attacking, trampling and eventually killing them. I suggest that a new occupation be introduced into the equation: Chicken Bully. Someone dressed as a huge chicken who picks on these chicken bullies and puts them in their place, thus saving the weaker ones from attack and solving the pecking order issue. It would create new jobs...? Copyright!

Lastly, Toothpaste Honey...You know how when you get down to the last bit of honey left in the container it takes forever for it reach the nozzle? You have to stand there for ten minutes smacking it on the counter upside down just to get a little bit of honey. It's horribly annoying! Well, what if honey came in a tube instead? Like toothpaste. Then you could just keep rolling the end as you use it up, and you would always be able to get the honey out. Every last bit of it! Pretty clever eh? Copyright!!!

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