Friday 11 November 2011

John Cage - 4'33

John Cage, 4'33, 1952.

Please watch this. In complete silence. The entire way through.

This is probably one of the most influential things that I was exposed to during my first year of University. It really led me to look at things with a whole new perspective, because it was unlike anything I had ever seen before. I've shown it to many people since then, and have had many debates about the validity of its conceptual core. Some people think it's ridiculous and drawn out. Others think it's genius. I agree with the latter. I found it to be quite moving. 
You become so aware of every little nuance. Your attention shifts from the stage to the audience. You can hear the audience breathing, sighing, whispering, shifting in their seats, their leaflets rustling in their hands, the white noise beyond the concert hall, the tension. You can hear the tension. The audience was unaware of the performance they were about to see. They were expecting "music". But really, what makes this something other than music? Perhaps this is the symphony of the mundane?