Wednesday 5 October 2011

Nuit Blanche 2011 - Residue


Richelle Forsey
Peter Brickell
Kevin McBride
Sandros Valencia
Rimma Skeini
Jamie Thompson

"Experience the thrill of an urban adventure and explore the residue left behind the hoarding of closed factories, derelict homes and our cultural past. You will discover the excitement of found artistic treasure(s) while you navigate your way through real and projected debris, traces of light, music and industrial noise. Peer through holes in the walls, examine discarded furniture and what remains when the occupants who once lived, worked or worshiped within  them leave.
At the end of your adventure there will be a gallery featuring urban exploration photographs. We invite you to sit and consider the disconnect between the spaces where urban exploration art is made and where it is presented for public consumption."

For more information on The Residue Group visit